Angelica Rose

Topo-Chico Carbonated Mineral Water - Analyse

Updated: Feb 12, 2021

Topo-Chico is a mineral water from Monterey, Mexico. You won't find much information about the quality of this water on the label, besides:

Sodium - 15 mg

Calcium - 40 mg


Not a significant source of saturated fat, trans fat, cholesterol. fiber, total sugars, added sugars, Vitamin D, iron and potassium.

Huh? Should those even be in water at all? "Not a significant source" means it has some but not a lot... Hmmmm... Makes me wonder who wrote this part of the label and who approved it. But anyways, let's test it and see what's inside? Who knows what the "not significant fiber, cholesterol, and Vitamin D" can do to a mineral water.

I make test with Baldwin Meadows test kit which has very respected reputation and accuracy.

Disclaimer: The producer of Topo-Chico water and Baldwin Meadows didn't pay anything for this information. The purpose of it is only to share my findings with everyone.

Topo-Chico Mineral Water Contains:

Total alkalinity - 120

Do not confuse alkalinity with pH. Total alkalinity in water is a measurement of the concentration of all alkaline substances dissolved in it that can both attract and release Hydrogen ions. This interference with Hydrogen is why alkalinity buffers against change in pH. Total alkalinity is primarily

  • bicarbonate

  • carbonate

  • hydroxide

  • along with a few others

When acid is added into water, these alkali have the ability to neutralize some of it. In simpler words, total alkalinity is a measurement of the water’s ability to resist change in pH. In particular, alkalinity slows the reduction of pH. Too much alkalinity is actually a source of rising pH. The more alkalinity you have, the more acid it takes to reduce pH.

Water with low levels of alkalinity is more likely to be corrosive. There are no health concerns related to alkalinity, though. This is how to understand if your water alkalinity is good overall. The value should be roughly 75% to 100% of the total hardness. The best alkalinity in water should be between 80 and 150.

pH - 7

The best water would have pH 8 and higher. pH 7 is neutral and anything below is acidic. pH 6 is not critical. If you would like to reach pH 8, simply add 1 tsp of baking soda into 1 gallon (3.78 Liters) of water. You will not taste it at all but your water will have higher pH without osmosis and other expensive things.

Hardness - 100

This is considered to be slightly hard water. When the number of hardness exceeds 120 mg/litter water is hard. Researchers found that for every one-unit increase in water hardness, there was a corresponding 1% decrease in the risk of heart attack. Researchers say water hardness can't account for all geographical differences in heart attack rates because factors like lifestyle, genetic disposition, and environmental also play a role.

Chromium 6 - prints

Chromium 6 is proven to cause cancer even in minuscule amounts. In California, the scientists of the Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment claim that the health goal for the levels of chromium in drinking water should not exceed 0.02 parts per billion (ppb). They discovered that this amount is the only safe amount of chromium that can be consumed over a lifetime and not increase one’s risk for developing cancer.

Fluoride - 0,5

Research on 500 pregnant women shows that the born boy child will have iQ 3.66 points lower if mother was drinking fluoridated water during pregnancy. Interesting that it doesn't affect girls.

Fluoride in water above 0.7 will have bad effect on your teeth and bones.

Each increase in fluoride in drinking water is associated with a 3% decrease in the risk of heart attack. Any increase above 1 will hurt heart system. For this reason it was decided on government level to lower fluoride in tap water from 1.2 to safe 0.7.

Iron (Fe) - 0

Each increase in iron is associated with an increase in heart attack risk of 4% and 10%, respectively.

Nitrate - 0

Nitrate can occur naturally in spring water at a level that does not cause health problems. There are different beliefs and researches regarding Nitrates. Some suggest that below 10 is safe. Others, that between 50 and 100 is safe. When the amount of Nitrate is high it can cause serious illnesses, especially in infants. Below is information from California Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board which looks more accurate to my knowledge. To see the whole document click HERE.

Nitrite - 0

Copper - 0

Each increase in copper is associated with an increase in heart attack risk of 4% and 10%, respectively.

Lead - 0

Mercury - 0

Bromine - 0

Sulfate - 400 ppm

Sulfate is a salt that forms when sulfuric acid reacts with another chemical. The maximum contaminant level for sulfate in drinking water is 250 parts per million (ppm). Sulfate may have a laxative effect that can lead to dehydration and is of special concern for infants. With time, people become acclimated to the sulfate and the symptoms disappear. Sulfur-oxidizing bacteria pose no known human health risk. Pregnant women need to be careful with sulfates as it can cause internal organs swelling.

Residual Chlorine - 0


As the test showed there are no red flags in this water which means it's safe for consumption. It has some sulfates, which is natural for mineral waters. It has salty taste and mild sparkles.

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