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Coronary Artery Disease. You Might Be at Risk!

Our hearts should not be taken for granted. Heart diseases is by far the #1 cause of death in the entire world. Look at this cause of death statistics chart.

Do you think you are safe from adding yourself to the top of this chart? Well, you could be! Keep reading and I will show you how you can protect your heart.

Coronary artery disease is the main cause of myocardial infarction, heart failure, which leads to early deaths and disabilities. Coronary artery disease develops for a long time without symptoms, so people only learn about it when complications begin.

With coronary artery disease, the heart does not receive enough oxygen and nutrients. The heart muscle does not work at full strength and many vital processes are disrupted. The disease occurs with atherosclerosis of the vessels, which are clogged with cholesterol. It is deposited on the walls of arteries, which blocks blood flow.

Here is a list of people who are at risk:

  • Smokers.

  • Alcohol drinkers.

  • Overweight people (no matter how much overweight).

  • Improper nutrition.

  • People on a carnivorous diet.

  • Those who have Diabetes.

  • People with a sedentary lifestyle.

  • People over 40, after which the likelihood of developing coronary heart disease increases.

In women, changes in the structure of blood vessels begin during menopause. The production of hormones, which are responsible for the elasticity and regeneration of tissues, decreases, and the level of cholesterol rises. Weight may increase, which negatively affects the work of the heart muscle.

Symptoms and early signs of coronary artery disease

The disease has several stages. At the initial stage, many symptoms practically do not appear, so a person does not know about the development of coronary artery disease. Listen carefully to your own body and do not ignore the following signs:

  • after light physical activity, there is heaviness and distension in your chest;

  • unpleasant burning sensation under the scapula, radiating to the arm;

  • fast heartbeat and heart flutter;

  • feeling of fading.

As the disease progresses, one will start feeling frequent shortness of breath after walking, weakness and drowsiness. The brain does not receive enough oxygen, therefore its performance decreases, and a feeling of fatigue haunts. At a later stage: chest pain, dizziness and irregular heartbeat.

Prevention of ischemic disease

The disease can be prevented. It is important to make a complete lifestyle change to eliminate possible risk factors:

  • Eat healthy.

  • Give up bad habits such as smoking and alcohol. This applies even to low percentage alcohol drinks.

  • Give up all animal products. If you find it hard to do at once, start excluding animal fat, bacon and smoked meat. Progress towards complete exclusion of all animal products, including dairy.

  • Be active. If you don't have enough time to go to the gym, walk more, walk up the stairs, dance instead of lying on the couch. Dance as you prepare your food.

  • Avoid stressful situations. During increased emotional stress, take sedatives. I can recommend these these natural products for stress relief. I know they work. You can click the images to get to the products.

And this one is probably the very best on the market, although it's pricey (Click the image):

  • Be sure to get enough sleep every night.

  • Eliminate or minimize fried foods.

  • Avoid fast food.

  • Reduce consumption of store bought pickled, canned and fatty foods, including sauces.

  • Avoid sweets. Try replacing them with dried fruits, nuts, natural honey, organic maple syrup. This is the syrup I use (Click the image):

  • Eat more vegetables in any form, add healthy oils such as flaxseed, black seed, sunflower, olive oil and other unrefined oils.

* With the onset of menopause, all of the above becomes even more important.

Drinks with ginger, green tea, and cranberry juice help to increase the elasticity of blood vessels. If you are obese, add more celery, beets and cabbage to your diet, make fresh tomato, cucumber and bell pepper smoothies for a snack. Just do not mix cucumbers and tomatoes in the same smoothie as the two are not compatible.

If you follow at least half of the recommendations above you are giving yourself a much bigger chance of not getting a heart disease. If you follow all of them you will be guaranteed from having most heart issues. Be healthy and have a fulfilling life!

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