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DIY Natural and Healthy Face Cream

Sometimes the natural essential oils do as good a job of arresting skin damage as the steeply priced designer cosmetics. This combination of oils is a great replacement for face creams. You can use it morning and evening or only once a day, according to your personal experience.

8 drops geranium oil (

5 drops lavender oil (

5 drops carrot seed oil (

4 drops chamomile oil (

2 drops sandalwood oil (

1 drop patchouli (

1/4 cup coconut unrefined oil (if you would like the consistency to be more like a cream) (

or 1/4 cup apricot kernel oil (if you would like the consistency to be liquid) (

In place of apricot oil, you can use jojoba (, hazelnut (, cold-pressed raw sesame (, or another oil of your choice.

Remember: Essential oils are strong stuff. The standard dilution is 2% essential oil to 98% carrier oil. It is also very important to wash your face with facial cleanser and warm water, every time before applying your oils. First, it helps to remove any oils left from the previous application. Second, it prepares the skin pores to absorb the oils better.

Note: The links next to oils are the examples of oils. You can use yours if you have, get a different brand, or use the ones I recommend. Keep in mind that oils should be undiluted, unrefined and it shouldn't be sold as "carrier".

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